Fuzzing with nuclei

SQLi Example

SQLi (SQL Injection) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the server. In this example, we will use a template to detect SQLi vulnerabilities.

Download the Template
To get the example template run:

wget https://gitlab.com/brendan/fuzzbuzz/-/raw/main/examples/sqli.yaml

or get the file here.
Run the command
To run the template, in the same folder run this command:

nuclei -t sqli.yaml -u https://fuzzbuzz.vercel.app/api/sqli\?query\= -dast
Explaining the command
The first part of the command uses -t to tell nuclei to use the local template file `sqli.yaml`:

nuclei -t sqli.yaml

The second part of the command uses -u to specify the URL to test:

-u https://fuzzbuzz.vercel.app/api/sqli\?query\=

Note that it escalates the URL with the parameter `file=` to test for LFI.

The last part of the command uses -dast to enable the DAST engine to fuzz test for LFI vulnerabilities.
Expected output
The output of your command should look something like:

Nuclei output